
30 November 2017

Sponsored Brick Update - No.2

Hi everyone,

We would just like to let you know that, thanks to you, the view above is about to change. The first 30 bricks are due to be laid at Capel's Mill next week, weather permitting and another order has just been filled, ready to go. Keep an eye on the CCT web pages for pictures.

In case you haven't already seen them - we also have new fundraising pages with a range of other diverse items which can be sponsored and we are always open to requests.

Thanks again for supporting us, please look out for the next update.

Fundraising Team

29 November 2017

Progress at Fords Wharf

A quick visit to Ryeford to check on progress showed the almost completed capping stones at the wharf, together with Samson & Delilah which had just been moored up by the tug team.

When complete, the towpath will be a vast improvement over the original extremely rough and rutted condition, however, it is good to see the original mooring rings still set in the stones.

Dig this!

Today, a shiny new mini digger arrived at Western Depot to replace our existing one.  

The digger is part of the sponsorship agreement with the Molson Group which sees replacement of this key piece of plant every 3 years.

28 November 2017

Brewery Wall - Wallbridge

Jon and his team were busy today enjoying working under the winter sun.  

The rebuild has now reached the top of the wall, which is being prepared for capping.  There were originally two more stories above this level.  Inside the wall, there is a conduit provision for potential illumination in the windows provided a power source can be made available.

The Dredging Team - Bob Hallam

The dredging team have been providing support (quite literally) to the Civil Engineering contractors carrying out the wing-wall support structure at Lower Wallbridge Lock. Our front deck is a valuable access to the steelwork and supports for the pump discharge hoses.

We can’t dredge in the main river section (Ebley to Upper Wallbridge) for several months (fish spawning), so until we transit Lower Wallbridge to Bowbridge, we rest there below the stop planks. These tricky little blighters are not easy to install or seal for a number of reasons.

Meanwhile, we’ve created an update project for the dredger hydraulics and carried out minor improvements to our support vessel Annette 2. Today Jonathan painted the stove black, ready for the winter season!

27 November 2017

Gough's Orchard Water Feed

The commissioning process continues.  There is every prospect that this will work effectively - once all the air leaks have been located and fixed.

Any gas that passes the seals on the joints readily defeats the vacuum and prevents the syphon from working at peak flow rate.

Considerable effort went into the installation of this innovative water feed and when working, provides a useful additional supply of water down the cut into Stroud.

All the joints have received additional sealant, but air is still finding paths through into the water.  The proper cure is to fully pot the joints so that they are truly gas tight.

To this end, we have started the potting process which involves drilling a small hole in the top of the joint so that the potting can be poured in.  It then fills the space between the 'O' ring seal, which is the standard fitting for the pipe and the additional flange seal injected in after installation.

The potting material is a two pack flexible polyurethane, with a cure time of about 30 minutes at current temperatures.  As we secure more supplies, the joints will be addressed,  Today, the right angle bend into the lock was fully potted.  We did run the system today, but could not achieve a full pipe due to existing air leaks.

Your scribe pours in another 300g

Improvements to the leakage at Bowbridge Lock top gates has resulted in the pound falling just short of the spill weir, which is pleasing to see.
Donated supplies arrive at Western Depot

Today, 2 box loads of PPE were delivered to WD.  These were a generous donation from Gardiner Bros & Co (Leathers) Ltd

The goods included CCT Volunteer branded visi vests, gloves, safety glasses and ear defenders.

The activities of your fundraising team secured this donation.

Leonie hands over the goods to Andy