
05 August 2019

Harpers Field Makes Further Progress.

by: Steve Ph.

Monday morning saw the arrival of a hired road-roller at Harpers Field which allowed us to convert an area of loose type 1 gravel into something like a car park!  With Les on the roller and Andy on the mini digger the lumps and bumps gradually started to be smoothed out.
Lunchtime saw the arrival of Chris with a new big (6 ton) digger and dump truck that CCT have bought at relatively low cost from a canal supporter, and once these have been serviced then they will join the teams equipment.  Initially the 6T digger may go to Langley’s Field where the dozer blade will be useful for levelling out the silt with the Ham Mill 15T digger coming to Harpers Field to work with the dump truck on construction of the new wharf, and eventually mud hopper emptying with the silt being laid out in the field to dry.
By the end of the day the hardcore looked more like a car park and with the digger and dumper parked on it Harper’s Field starts to look like a real CCT working site!