
08 November 2019

Groundhog Day

by: Andy P.

The green welfare unit was ready for its move to Dudbridge in anticipation of the work we hope to be doing, to rebuild the lock wall, probably in the new year, when it is really wet and cold.  First job was to collect the unit from Harpers field having had instructions for coupling it up and moving it as well has how to lower the wheels when at Dudbridge.

We soon arrived at Chestnut lane and progressed well down the tow path.  Our first obstacle was a small wall by the landing stage.  This proved a bit harder to reduce in size, as it was a reinforced granite material structure.  Taking great care to avoid the fence, the unit wheel dropped into an unseen gap at the start of the wall.  It was stuck.  Thanks to Ian M for collecting the bottle jacks and blocks and the unit was slowly lifted and carefully driven onto the top of the wall.  It seemed that most of WD were about, but helping hands prevailed.  It was a tight fit.
All the towpath users were very supportive and friendly as we made their progress a bit tricky at times.  Arriving at Dudbridge more helping hands from the folks working with the stop planks as the unit was moved back and forth into its final spot.  It took a few goes to get the wheels to retreat and the unit dropped to the ground (hence the name). The units facilities were tested and found to be working.
It is nice to know that there were no voices of dissent.  No, I told you so and it cannot be done.  Team work and positive help and support is a good thing.  I was also a case of you put a stop plank in, a stop plank out, in, out, in, out, will the water come out?