
02 August 2017


Much hard volunteer work has been going on - but no reports received.

Feedback with respect to this trial site, so far, has been very positive.  We know that there are many armchair members and supporters motivated to support us if regular progress reports and images keep their minds on our ambitious projects and hands in their pockets!

Shortly, a major push at fund raising will commence and the troops on the ground and their efforts will be a cornerstone of making the fundraising task a success, especially since we aim for a positive response to our HLF bid, which is an all consuming activity at present.

You've seen a sample of how things work over the past 2 or 3 weeks.  So, please take a moment to record your work for all of us to enjoy.  The Fundraising Team's belief is that a blog such as this is of great value and we would like to get it on a more formal footing.