
21 March 2018

Mud mud, glorious mud!

by: Bob Hallam

The weather has improved greatly in Eastern Stroud. It's been rather cold up there, after all, it is closer to Siberia than the Western Depot. 
Dredger No. 5 continues to be worked hard, we average 3 or 4 hoppers full of mud every working day. 

As we gain experience and confidence, the hoppers are filled ever more full. 
The photo shows our latest one today. It shows less than a foot (30cm) of freeboard and still floating in our newly cleared channel. 

The pipe in the foreground is for the pump we use to remove as much free water as we can to make life a bit easier for the "dry dredging" boys. After all, they have tough enough underfoot conditions with all the recent rain and snow. 

Onwards and Westwards then as we dredge our way back (about 10-15 yards per day) to Bowbridge Lock.