26 July 2018

Dudbridge Grill

by Andy P.

Another few strenuous sun baked days.  The top platform was duly drilled and attached to the wall at the requisite height and all made level.  Next it was the jigsaw fitting sequence as we fought, literally, with the drawing and metal on the ground to figure out which existing piece was going to be the down slope.  Duncan was right it just took the rest of us some time to agree.
Scaffold was easily moved and lowered to take the weight and we were off a boltin, drillin, and screwin so the song went.  The grill was put in place and with the first steps we relaxed on the top platform.
Next it was the lower platform and sides which very quickly surrendered to our efficient pace.  We were in danger of finishing this today until we ran out of nuts-a quick dash down the road and we were off again to complete the lower platform and grill.
A wavy photo as we completed our work with only 4 pieces left.
Nice to see Patricia and new small friend were looking on
If you wanted to know what there is at the end of the tunnel-a light of course.