05 March 2018

Lack of Dredging Progress

Today we had all required dredging fleet vessels on show at Upper Wallbridge, having moved them down there from Bowbridge last Weds. in freezing weather. 
Today, getting ready for parade and a live exhibition, we checked over the mechanicals and fluid levels.   The radiator was a little dry, so we topped it up- and up and up until it ran out of the hole but not the filler one!  

We've had a lot of problems with radiator mounting and rubber pipes over months. This culminated in one of the securing brackets of the radiator breaking off - this caused the leak. 
We removed the radiator- (thus adding to bilge contents) - and took it to Cheltenham for repair and modification.   So unfortunately, our live moving exhibition became a static display. 

Sorry, no pictures we were a trifle busy!!


Bob Hallam.

"May your bilges always be dry and your anchor always hold."