Western Depot - today - 3rd Jan.
The first new year gathering kicked off with the mess room packed to the gunnels and a meeting reviewing the job's list which Reg had pre-prepared on the white board. We were informed that the running order is not necessarily in order of importance. The session also included information on the new time keeping system which accurately records the project, type of work and skill levels, all key factors required by the HLF and also of great value to the CCT to measure our volunteers' effort. This is to be rolled out across all volunteer work areas shortly.
Soon, we will be receiving another accommodation caravan which has been purchased and is ready for delivery. It will supplement the existing facility once various internal modifications have taken place.
In preparation for its arrival, several long and heavy steel beams required removing from the landing site and relocating in the compound behind the jib end of Patricia. So bizarrely, Patricia's first job for CCT was to be undertaken on dry land when the jib was used to help lift the beams into position on the stack!