25 July 2019

Ham Mill update
by: Andy P.

Quite a few things have been happening over the last few weeks

Screw piles inserted and tied into the sheet piles. All sheet piles inserted.

The bank was weeded and was well received for which we got chocolate biscuits. The small dam inserted to make pumping out quicker.
Samson moved through the lock to start on another landing stage.
A very large and very heavy length of angle iron was sourced and cut at the depot and the now working forklift, put it onto the tipper for Roy and Royston to deliver.

A 5 man lift slowly lowered it on top of the sheet piles. More holes drilled, more brackets cut and more nuts and bolts used to connect it all together. Everything painted before the waters returned.

A pathway was hacked through at the back of the bungalow into the field where Duncan on BD carved a track all the way to Jubilee Bridge.

Lots of measurements, more measurements and checking before Rebar and wire mesh were bent and cut and all fitted and tied together behind the sheet piles. All gaps were filled.
A concrete pump arrived then the concrete and the hole was filled and levelled ready for the brickwork to go on top.