22 February 2019

Ham Mill Feb 20th 2019

by: Andy P.

A different sort of start to the day.  A 9 am start in fact.  Leader Bob was at WD trying to get some transport to take the screw pile machinery back as we may not be using it now as screw piles are non heritage.  Only the tipper was available.  Great but it had a flat tyre.  Not great. 

The 4 of us Bob, Mathew, Richard and Andy loaded everything on the now suitably tyred tipper as we all set off into the middle of nowhere to return everything.  We got back just in time for lunch suffering from non working withdrawal symptoms. 

That soon changed as we set about moving the trench box.  Bob on the BD had to very carefully dig out more of the trench, not helped by some inappropriate signalling.  Heavy chains were fitted, refitted, adjusted and refitted to get the box to vertically fit tight against the wall side and miss the end of the pipe.  There is not much space to work.
The BD slowly and carefully back filled the exposed trench areas around the trench box but ran out of reach, but at least the somme is looking a bit flatter.

The BD is big and only has a big bucket so we need a combination of this and something smaller for trench work.  Let’s hope one is available to hire next week.  Exciting.